This project focuses on the synthesis of a new class of oxide materials using an advanced state-of-the-art thin film deposition technique. These materials possess high conductivity and a wide bandgap - so light can pass through easily, making it optically transparent. These properties are of great interest for next generation electronic devices such as high-power electronics, transparent displays, touchscreens and solar cells. The research activities contribute to the professional development experience for students from local high schools, minority organizations and community colleges through education, training and hands-on workshops.
TECHNICAL DETAILS: Through a combination of experimental and computational techniques, the project is investigating fundamental factors, at the atomic level of detail, that influence the defect formation and electronic properties in strain-engineered alkaline-earth stannate (Sr1-xBaxSnO3) thin films. In particular, the project is seeking to understand, and control defects specifically dislocations, local structure, and electronic mobility in these materials with an ultimate goal to create a new class of high-mobility semiconducting materials with wide bandgap for room-temperature applications. The project is also exploiting synthesis methods for atomic level control of point defects and structural defects in complex oxides. The project is providing opportunities for graduate, undergraduate and high school students to obtain training on cutting-edge thin film deposition approaches, advanced characterization techniques, and theoretical calculations.