A rule of thumb for modern computer technology is that approximately every two years, the number of transistors on a microprocessor chip doubles. This rate of improvement is described by Moore's Law, and has started to falter for a variety of reasons. One new paradigm that may permit continued rapid growth is quantum computing. Quantum computing exploits the laws of quantum mechanics and may solve certain problems that are essentially intractable with conventional computers. The key fundamental unit in a quantum computer is the so called quantum bit (or qubit), in analogy to the classical binary bit. This research aims to understand electron spins in low-dimensional materials and develop a new type of qubit based on these electron spins. A close collaboration between the two universities in this project helps promote partnership between the institutions. This research activity provides interdisciplinary training for the graduate students and postdoctoral researchers involved in this project in the areas of material science, quantum optics, and nanophotonics. It also serves as an exciting opportunity for the training of our next-generation workforce in quantum information science.
The spin of a single electron is a natural candidate for qubits due to its capability to store and process quantum information. A key challenge in operating an electron spin as a functional qubit is to turn on and off its coupling to the external environment with full control. By establishing a spin-photon interface in the qubit materials, it is possible to efficiently manipulate and readout the spin states using optical techniques. This approach has been successfully implemented in studying several types of naturally occurring defect qubits in bulk materials. To move beyond spin qubits in bulk materials and allow design and control of the qubit systems on the atomic scale, the research team adopts a bottom-up approach to develop molecular spin qubits integrated in low dimensional materials. The full synthetic control of the molecular qubits enables effective tuning of their electronic structures. Molecular design and composition control also allow addressing physical processes that drive spin decoherence. Combining first-principle theory calculations and experimental studies, this research aims to develop a new type of molecular spin qubits that interface optical photons. The material platform established in this research advances understanding of chemistry-enabled qubits and their application in quantum devices.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.