Building on the success of previous sustainability-themed MRS meeting symposia, Symposium ES13 will encourage an integrated approach toward the importance of considering sustainability in the development of materials and will provide a medium for technically based, interdisciplinary discussions of core materials technologies and their connection with societal, ecological, and economic drivers. MRS has scheduled a two-day symposium and poster session (morning of April 23 through afternoon of April 24, 2019) that will illuminate the path toward sustainable development of materials.
This new Materials Selection and Design (ES13) symposium will address the fundamental research challenges associated with properly understanding, assessing and reducing the materials footprint of current products and commodities that drive our economy and meet the needs of humanity. The symposium will provide a platform for materials researchers and related interdisciplinary experts from industry, academia, and government to present research on sustainable materials development from a life cycle and design perspective, including topics on sustainability-focused materials selection and design tools; data needs, collection and management; and incentivizing change to promote sustainable materials development and integrated research to move toward a circular economy. Twelve invited speakers, who are world leaders in sustainable materials development and represent industry, academia and nongovernmental organizations from around the world, will be giving presentations at the symposium. One of the symposium sessions will include a provocative 1-hour panel discussion and a joint session with Symposium ES14: Materials Circular Economy for Urban Sustainability.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.