The scientific staff of the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) are conducting an NSF REU Program utilizing the University's 10 megawatt research reactor. Scientists trained in physics, chemistry, and biochemistry supervise students working on projects in such fields as neutron optics, neutron diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering, analysis of stress in materials, macro-molecular structure, radiation defects, nuclear archaeology, geology, analytic epidemiology, nutrition and radiopharmaceutical chemistry. The central focus is to utilize neutrons to interrogate or alter specimens. The project areas mentioned are studied by a variety of nuclear techniques including: neutron interferometry, single crystal and powder neutron diffraction, triple-axis neutron spectrometry, small angle neutron scattering, deep level transient spectroscopy, conventional and prompt neutron activation analysis, radionuclidic assay and radioisotope production.