The goal of this research is to develop systematically new organic semiconductors, metals, and superconductors through a detailed understanding and chemical control of the electronic properties. The research will initially focus on the synthesis of tetramethyltetratellurafulvalene and its charge-transfer and complex radical cation salts; preparation of a series of dicyclobutenotetrachalcogenafulvalenes and their corresponding salts; and the synthesis of a number of tetraoxafulvalenes and their salts. To guide the synthetic program, studies will be conducted on physical properties, electrical conductivity, themoelectric power, magnetic susceptibility, and scanning tunneling microscopy on these salts as well as on new charge- transfer and complex radical cation salts from known donors. The next generation of microelectronic devices is likely to depend on the development of new organic, organometallic, and inorganic materials. Thus, the aim of this research is to develop systematically new organic semiconductors, metal, and superconductors through a detailed understanding and chemical control of the electronic properties. The research will initially focus on the synthesis of selected compounds and their charge- transfer and complex radical cation salts. To guide the synthetic program, studies will be conducted on physical properties, electrical conductivity, thermoelectric power, magnetic susceptibility, and scanning tunneling microscopy on these salts and on new charge-transfer and complex radical cation salts from known donors. A number of new chemical and physical studies are designed to help elucidate the switching and memory mechanism in metal-organic charge transfer salts.