9357502 Francis This project is for one of the NSF Young Investigator (NYI) awardees. The awardee intends to pursue three related projects. One is concerned with sol-gel coatings for microelectronics. The second is concerned with piezoelectric ceramic polymer coatings. The third is concerned with composites and coatings for dental replacement materials. The proposed work will address the scientific issues involving the co-processing of dis-similar materials, interfacial interactions, and property enhancement through composite and coating design. The awardee's teaching enhancement plan also includes three key goals. One is for the course development and improvement. The second is for research and educational infrastructure development in the microelectromechanical systems. The third is to work with undergraduates on research projects. %%% This project is a NSF Young Investigator (NYI) award. The awardee plans to pursue research projects relating to the processing, design, and property development of ceramic coatings and ceramic-based composites. The awardee also intends to pursue activities which enhance teaching in both graduate and undergraduate education programs. ***