9526166 Scott This grant supports travel for invited speakers and student presenters for the symposium on Micromechanics of Advanced Materials, to be held at the TMS-AIME Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, October 5-9, 1995. The objective of this symposium is to bring together internationally distinguished material scientists of different expertise to provide a forum for discussion of important advances in micromechanics of high technology materials. The program is attached, which consists of 39 invited papers and 46 contributed papers. The broad spectrum and high-caliber of invited speakers covers the interrelation between the micro and macromechanics of fracture in advanced materials, such as intermetallics, composites, polymer-based composites, and amorphous materials. Fatigue and fracture and crack growth modeling are considered. %%% This symposium accomplishes two things: It provides a comprehensive understanding of the essential roles of micromechanics of defects, specifically, dislocations, cracks and etc., on mechanical behavior of advanced materials, and it serves as a guideline for the future materials research direction. The symposium will bring together a classic proceedings volume for the materials research community to use. ***