9624456 Krishnamurthy This CAREER research project addresses fundamental issues in the control of nucleation and ordering processes, and the use of morphological transitions during strained layer epitaxial growth to create quantum-nanostructures. A novel scheme for obtaining spatially periodic Ge nanostructures on Si, by strain-induced preferential nucleation is propo sed. Periodic strain fields provided by surface ripples in conjunction with coherent islanding are suggested for producing a self-assembled array of nanostructures. The experiments will be guided by a quantitative model describing how preferential nucleation depends on strain and growth kinetics. Structures will be grown by molecular beam epitax y and characterized by electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy. %%% Along with the basic research, this project incorporates an activity for structuring an Electronic Materials Processing and Design course sequence for undergraduate seniors involving the formation of interdisciplinary teams of students working on group projects of current research or industrial relevance. Student teams will be advised by faculty, a graduate student and an industrial collaborator. This offers a team-approach to research problem-solving, enhances the understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of electronic materials research, and offers research leadership training to students. A laboratory- intensive course sequence emphasizing atomic scale materials processing and chara cterization will also be introduced. The proposed basic investigations of nanostructures are expected to contribute fundamental materials science knowledge of technological relevance to advanced microelectronic devices and circuits. The knowledge and understanding gained from this research project is expected to contribute in a general way to im pro vin g the per for man ce of adv anc ed dev ice s and cir cui ts use d in com put ing , inf orm ati on pro ces sin g, and tel eco mmu nic ati ons by pro vid ing a fun dam ent al und ers tan din g and a bas is for des ign ing and pro duc ing imp rov ed mat eri als wit h new pro per tie s and fun cti ona lit y. *** _

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Materials Research (DMR)
Application #
Program Officer
LaVerne D. Hess
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
Michigan Technological University
United States
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