9626296 Young With this award, the University of Illinois will acquire a simultaneous thermal analysis-mass spectrometry system for effluent gas analysis. The system features a state-of-the art gas-sampling skimmer, that operates at high temperatures and prevents condensation of volatiles prior to analysis. Samples can be studied up to 2000 C either under vacuum or in a variety of inert or corrosive gases. The equipment will be used to study a wide variety of materials including: formation and regeneration of activated carbons, catalysts for NOx reduction, characterization of aerosols, formation of novel cement-polymer composites (organo cements), hydrous minerals, synthesis of ceramics through pyrolysis of inorganic polymers, and development of high temperature phase diagrams. The instrument will be located in a central facility available to all researchers at the University of Illinois, as well as scientists from other institutions. The system will provide a unique national resource for thermal analysis of materials. ***