This experimental research project is concerned with the most fundamental quantum mechanical properties of condensed matter probed in an elegant fashion at low temperature and high magnetic field. The results to be obtained are of interest in the formulation and confirmation of advanced theory, which itself may apply to other phenomena such as high temperature superconductivity, which remain poorly understood. More specifically, the properties of the collective ground states of two-dimensional and size-quantized systems of few and strongly correlated electrons will be studied. Particular topics include integer and fractional quantum Hall effects, the associated one- dimensional edge states, Wigner crystallization and single-charge carrier tunneling phenomena. Experimental methods include magnetotransport, thermal activation, nonlinear transport, and resonant and single-particle tunneling, performed at low temperature and high magnetic field. %%% This experimental research project is concerned with the most fundamental quantum mechanical properties of condensed matter probed in an elegant fashion at low temperature and high magnetic field. The results to be obtained are of interest in the formulation and confirmation of advanced theory, which itself may apply to other phenomena such as high temperature superconductivity, which remain poorly understood. More specifically, the properties of the collective ground states of two-dimensional and size-quantized systems of few and strongly correlated electrons will be studied. Particular topics include integer and fractional quantum Hall effects, the associated one- dimensional edge states, Wigner crystallization and single-charge carrier tunneling phenomena. Experimental methods include magnetotransport, therm al activation, nonlinear transport, and resonant and single-particle tunneling, performed at low temperature and high magnetic field. ***