9708246 Nielson This research project entitled Dielectric, Calorimetric, and Nonlinear Optical Properties of New Structurally-Predicted Ferroelectrics will continue the search for new ferroelectric materials based on predictions obtained from a structural analysis of current crystal structure data. After identification of potential ferroelectric materials is established, verification involves high temperature synthesis of the materials in polycrystalline form; structural confirmation by x-ray diffraction analysis; material processing, and subsequent measurement of the dielectric and thermodynamic properties of the materials as a function of frequency and temperature. The research topics for undergraduate students involve solid-state synthesis, calorimetry, dielectric measurements, computer programming and interfacing, x-ray diffraction and crystallography, all of which are designed to meet the graduation requirements for students of chemistry and physics. %%% Ferroelectrics are of increasing importance in the fabrication of electrooptic devices, integrated circuits, pyroelectric detectors, piezoelectric transducers and actuators, pyroelectric detectors, piezopositioning devices, and non-volatile memory elements. The technological importance of this area and the considerable industrial need for new ferroelectric materials for an increasing range of applications indicate significant job opportunities for students educated in these areas. ***