3 9713088 Storm This grant provides support for speakers and graduate students to attend the Gordon Research Conference on Corrosion to be held in New Hampshire, July 20-25, 1997. This is the prototype Gordon Conference with a selection of outstanding speakers and international participants covering cutting edge activities related to the fundamentals of oxidation and corrosion of metal alloys and ceramics. Subjects include oxidation of nonmetallic materials, residual stress and associated damage in oxide scales during growth, problems of oxidation in titanium aluminide alloys, applications of thermal barrier coatings and their failure mechanisms, internal oxidation mechanisms in metal alloys, and the high temperature corrosion resistance of chromia scales. Six countries are represented at the conference. %%% Application of advanced materials at elevated temperature depends on the continued improvement of environment- resistant coatings on materials. This conference takes a timely look at the fundamentals associated with this science and technology. ***