Giniewicz This award provides support for a powder x-ray diffractometer to be used for research and education in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, through the Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) activity. The diffractometer will be used by physics, chemistry and geoscience faculty and students on the campus and from local colleges, to characterize the structures of new materials with applications for semiconducting films, semiconductor heterostructures, marine samples of clay minerals, and transition metal fluorides. This instrument will enable undergraduate and graduate students who participate in research projects to receive more advanced instruction in the characterization of materials through this sophisticated technique. %%% This award provides support for a powder x-ray diffractometer to be used for research and education in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, through the Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) activity. The diffractometer will be used by physics, chemistry and geoscience faculty and students on the campus and from local colleges, to characterize the structures of new materials with applications for semiconducting films, semiconductor heterostructures, marine samples of clay minerals, and transition metal fluorides. This instrument will enable undergraduate and graduate students who participate in research projects to receive more advanced instruction in the characterization of materials through this sophisticated technique. ***