The project involves the synthesis and properties of transition metal systems with layered and framework structures. Three areas are proposed for study: 1) asymmetric layer structures; synthesis of new compounds in thin film and single crystal form, and full characterization of their physical (e.g., optical) properties; 2) synthesis of structures with open frameworks for sorption using approaches based on both hydrothermal synthesis and coordination chemistry; 3) the utilization of electrocrystallization under hydrothermal conditions (a new synthesis technique) for the preparation of new compounds and thin crystalline films. Layered compounds with asymmetric layers that pack without a center of symmetry between adjacent layers are extremely unusual. They are particularly interesting because of their potential to exhibit nonlinear optical properties. The further development of the synthesis of open framework structures with low framework densities will be focused on structures that are topologically related to the structure of Niobium Oxide. Two different approaches will be used to construct these large frameworks, one based on coordination polymers and the other on metal phosphates. The area of electrocrystallization under hydrothermal conditions offers unusual opportunities for the synthesis of new compounds in the form of polycrystals, single crystals and thin films. % % % The combination of new synthesis techniques and new strategies for building inorganic frameworks will undoubtedly lead to new families of compounds, some of which it is anticipated will have new and unusual physical properties or chemical activity. ***