Principal Investigator: David W. Farmer and Lynne H. Walling Proposal Number: DMS- 0306962, "Automorphic Forms Workshop", Institution: American Institute of Mathematics
This grant will support the "17th Annual Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics." This workshop has become internationally recognized for both its high-quality research talks and its supportive atmosphere for junior researchers. Participants will present cutting-edge research in all areas related to automorphic forms, including Maass wave forms, elliptic curves, Siegel and Jacobi modular forms, special values of L-functions, random matrices, quadratic forms, computation, applications of modular forms, etc. This sharing of knowledge will be of significant scientific benefit to both the participants and the wider scientific community. In addition, the workshop will provide an opportunity for the participants to continue their ongoing collaborations and to form new collaborations.
In addition to the presentation of leading-edge research, this workshop will benefit the wider mathematical community through three planned discussion sessions concerning mentoring and research partnerships, REUs and outreach, and opportunities for International collaboration. Experts will take part in formal presentations aimed at engaging the participants in each of those areas. This will have a lasting benefit for the participants and their future students.