Principal Investigator: Mikhail Kapranov
We propose to run a year-long program at the Fields Institute on the subject of ``Geometry of string theory''. The program will be devoted to mathematical subjects motivated by string theory, and to recent developments in string theory and related physical fields which are of strong mathematical interest. On the mathematical side, the aim is to foster interaction between such areas of mathematics as derived categories, elliptic cohomology, geometric Langlands correspondence, quantum cohomology, differential geometry varieties with special holonomy and of special Lagrangian varieties. On the more physical side, the aim is to foster new progress in the continuing drive towards understanding the foundations of string/M-theory, and in the wealth of new ideas involving D-branes, BPS states and various dualities which are of great importance to mathematical subjects such as algebraic geometry.
The overall goal of the program is to advance our understanding of the fundamental questions of physics of the microworld. Probably the most promising application of quantum physics contemplated nowadays is the Quantum Computing Project which can potentially lead to creation of computers whose power exceeds the present-day limits by many orders of magnitude. This direction is a part of the proposed activitie and we plan to have a distinguished lecture series (the Blyth Lectures) devoted to the subject. This program represents an excellent opportunity for young scholars to experience a high-level interdisciplinary collaboration. In particular, it is going to be a very important training ground for young American scientists.