The purpose of the conference is to honor Karol Borsuk's life and work on the 100th anniversary of his birth by bringing leading researchers in geometric topology from all over the world and exchange the latest ideas in the field. The Organizing Committee consists of Robert J. Daverman and Jerzy Dydak (University of Tennessee), Tadeusz Januszkiewicz (Ohio University), Krystyna Kuperberg (Auburn University), Slawomir Nowak (University of Warsaw), and Stanislaw Spiez and Henryk Torunczyk, Chair (Polish Academy of Sciences). The main speakers include M.Bestvina (University of Utah), A.Dranishnikov (University of Florida), J.Cannon (Brigham Young University), M.Davis (Ohio University), S.Ferry (Rutgers University), and K.Kuperberg (Auburn University). Emphasis is placed on involving junior faculty and graduate students in the meeting by organizing two workshops led by Bestvina and Dranishnikov. Those workshops will have special sessions for graduate students only led by junior faculty (former students of the main speakers).
The main topics of the International Conference and Workshops on Geometric Topology are currently very active research areas. Many of the participants of the meeting will have strong research records, and it is expected that the exchange of ideas will lead to significant future results and stimulate international collaboration. An effort will be made to involve graduate students and other young researchers in the meeting as speakers. By bringing graduate students from the United States we plan to make students from Eastern Europe aware of the educational opportunities in the US and at specific universities here. This exposure to the international mathematical community will also present an excellent opportunity for American students and young researchers to learn about professional preparation in other countries and establish ground for future interaction.