The Mathematical Association of America (MAA), through its Strengthening Underrepresented Minority Mathematics Achievement (SUMMA) program, will support the participation of mathematics undergraduates from underrepresented groups in focused and challenging research experiences. A minimum of four students will be supported at each of approximately four sites for each of the next three years.
Intellectual Merit
The MAA SUMMA program will build on a history of assisting faculty to provide mathematical experiences for underrepresented groups through summer research programs for undergraduate mathematics majors and enrichment programs for pre-college students. NREUP is structured both to increase undergraduate completion rates and encourage more students to pursue graduate study by exposing them to research experiences after they complete their sophomore year. NREUP is designed to reach minority students at a critical point in their career path - midway through their undergraduate programs - through an undergraduate professor with whom they have a strong connection. At this point in their studies, students have a strong background in calculus and a course such as linear algebra or differential equations with some degree of exposure to the proof-based mathematics needed prior to undertaking a research project.
The program reaches students at the transition point between lower division and upper division studies. As course work becomes more abstract and students are required to work independently, many promising students are not able to adjust to the demands of a major in mathematics. Providing mentoring in a challenging summer program will support students as they cross this juncture. NREUP provides key components to encourage students to pursue graduate studies and careers in mathematics - enriching and rewarding mathematical experiences, mentoring by active researchers, and both intellectual and social networking with peers.
Broader Impact
The need for increased participation of U.S. citizens in the mathematical sciences requires that we identify and nurture students from underrepresented groups, both to serve as professional mathematicians and to serve as role models and mentors for future generations. With support of faculty mentors and the focused peer-group experience shared by students participating in this program, the MAA National Research Experience for Undergraduates program encourages and supports broadened participation of these students in graduate studies and careers in mathematics. Moreover, by supporting faculty at a diverse group of institutions to direct summer research programs, this project simultaneously supports the development of a community of skilled faculty mentors who are expected to provide ever-increasing opportunities for undergraduate research.