Complex analysis forms one of the great organizing principles of both pure and applied mathematics. In this conference, to be held from June 18 to 22 of 2007 at the facilities of the Institute Henri Poincare in Paris, we will explore analysis of functions of one and several complex variables and the ways in which complex analysis is used to address problems both inside and outside of pure mathematics, for example, in geometry, topology, inverse scattering theory, and mathematical physics. The meeting marks the sixty-fifth birthday of Gennadi Khenkin, and for young American mathematicians this conference represents a golden opportunity to be introduced to the "Russian" approach to complex analysis and its applications. Despite the more than fifteen years since the collapse of Soviet Union, this approach to the subject is still not well known amongst American students. The list of plenary speakers includes some of the finest products of the Russian school of complex analysis.
The purpose of this grant proposal is to provide support for US-based participants in this important international meeting. We are requesting funds to defray the travel expenses for several of the plenary speakers, as well as for several promising young mathematicians. The plenary talks will be aimed at nonexperts and cover topics ranging from representation theory to complex dynamics, transcendental methods in algebraic geometry to inverse scattering theory. Reflecting a remarkable feature of Professor Khenkin's career, this meeting will emphasize the interplay between techniques from complex analysis and its applications to inverse problems, mathematical physics, dynamics, representation theory, and topology. Details are available at the conference website (