Funding is requested for costs of registration and travel for young investigators to the first North American Regional Meeting of the International Environmetric Society, taking place in Seattle, WA, June 19-21, 2007. The theme of the meeting is "Climate change and its environmental effects: monitoring, measuring, and predicting." Invited session include Paleo-climate assessment, Agro-risk assessment, The role of statistics in public policy, and Assessing trends in extreme climate events. Keynote speakers will be Paul Switzer of Stanford University, and David Brillinger of the University of California at Berkeley.
The International Environmetric Society has traditionally held international meetings every year. A few years ago the European region of the society starting holding regional meetings. The request for this type of regional meeting has been particularly strong from government employees, who have found international travel difficult under limited travel budgets. The meeting will focus on quantitative aspects of environmental science, and is expected to draw some 100-150 participants. The focus and size of the meeting will enable strong interactions between environmental scientists and statisticians/mathematicians.