This award will support a workshop on effective technical writing for new researchers in the statistical sciences who seek to publish their research or to present their research plans in the form of grant proposals for federal funding. Researchers, especially new researchers, often have difficulty disseminating their research results not because of the quality of the research but rather because of inappropriate choices of publication venues for the particular research and/or because of poor presentation of technical material to the chosen audience. The National Institute of Statistical Sciences and the American Statistical Association will manage the Workshop.
This workshop will open with tutorial sessions on the organization of material for a technical article or grant application, on technical writing techniques and on the specific missions and audiences of key journals in the statistical sciences. Then each participating new researcher will work individually with an experienced journal editor as mentor to address these issues on an individualized basis for draft of the new researcher's work in progress. Revisions following this guidance will be critiqued by the mentor to assure that the new researcher's implementation of writing techniques has been successful before the article or the grant proposal is submitted for review.