This proposal is for continued NSF support of an established series of summer workshops in Geometric Topology. The proposal is for support of the 27th through 31st Annual Workshops in Geometric Topology to be held in 2010 through 2014. The workshops will be advertised nationally with NSF funding primarily used to support travel of active research mathematicians without current NSF support and graduate students working in geometric topology. The 2010 workshop will be held in Colorado Springs on June 10-12, with Colorado College serving as host; Rob Ghrist has agreed to be the principal speaker. The 2011 workshop will be hosted by Oregon State University and the 2012 workshop by Calvin College (Grand Rapids, Michigan). The hosts of the 2013 and 2014 workshops will be Brigham Young University and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, respectively.
A primary goal of these workshops is to provide mathematicians with active research programs but limited support an opportunity to discuss their work with others in the field. Another important goal is to expand the interests of the participants by having a nationally recognized expert discuss an area that is related to, but outside, the focus of their current work. A third goal is to provide a serious but informal research atmosphere in which graduate students in geometric topology can meet and learn from others in the field.