The third International Conference on Design of Experiments (ICODOE-2011) will be hosted by the Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Memphis during May 10 ? 13, 2011. The principal aims of the conference are to bring together leading researchers from all over the world in the area of design and analysis of experiments and practitioners in the pharmaceutical, chemometrics, physical, biological, medical, social, psychological, economic, engineering and manufacturing sciences. The conference will also provide support and encouragement to junior researchers in the field of design and analysis of experiments. The focus of ICODOE-2011 is on emerging areas of research in experimental design, as well as novel innovations in traditional areas. The conference will cover topics of importance to the academic and industrial community, such as design and analysis of experiments in Genomics, dose ? finding studies, adaptive designs for clinical trials, event related fMRI, designs for linear, non-linear and generalized linear mixed models, screening experiments, computer experiments and multi ? stratum designs.
The design and analysis of experiments is at the foundation of the scientific method. It is used in applications across all scientific disciplines and engineering. It is used throughout business and industry to improve the reliability of processes and equipment and to identify and understand how process factors affect output. It is used in many scientific disciplines such as in medicine, especially in the design of clinical trials, dose ? finding studies and biomedical experiments. The advancement of statistical theory and methodology over the past years has resulted in the development of sophisticated methods capable of analyzing complex experiments. This has given rise to a demand for efficient designs for these experiments. At the same time, a new generation of enthusiastic and talented researchers in design of experiments is needed in the years to come to carry out original theoretical and applied research in the emerging areas. The junior researchers of today need to be nurtured and encouraged to assume this role. The researchers in the area of experimental design from the Universities and industry will also get an opportunity to meet together and discuss problems of mutual interest. ICODOE-2011 will broaden the participation of underrepresented groups, mainly minorities and women.
held during May 10 - 13, 2011. The objective of the conference was to bring together leading researchers from all over the world in the area of design and analysis of experiments and to provide support and encouragement to junior researchers in the field of experimental design and to stimulate interest in topics of practical relevance to science and industry. The design and analysis of experiments is at the foundation of the scientific method. It is used in applications across all scientific disciplines and engineering. It is used throughout business and industry to improve the reliability of processes and equipment and to identify and understand how process factors affect output. It is used in medicine, especially in the design of clinical trials and biomedical experiments and is also used in many other scientific disciplines. The ICODOE-2011 conference attracted leading researchers in the area of experimental design from all over the world representing 19 nations and 24 states in USA and coming from both industry and academia. The scientific program of the conference consisted of invited and Contributed talks. There were 78 invited talks spread over in 19 Invited Speakers Sessions. There was a wide variety of sessions covering both theory and applications. The ICODOE-2011 succeeded in fostering ties between researchers from academia and industry. The participants were not only from academic settings, but also from industry. Having this mixture of professionals gave the perfect opportunity to influence future collaboration. ICODOE-2011 resulted in the advancement of knowledge in the area of experimental design and also across other disciplines as the techniques of experimental designs are being applied in many other disciplines. Dissemination of Conference Results The results of ICODOE-2011 conference have been disseminated broadly as the abstract book of the conference has already been put on the website of the conference. The Journal of Statistical planning and Inference, a leading journal in Statistics will be bringing out a special issue of the journal containing invited talks given at the ICODOE-2011. Diversity of Participants: ICODOE-2011 provided ample opportunities to underrepresented groups, mainly minorities and women to showcase their talent. the conference witnessed the results of these efforts, with 20 % of the conference participants being women. It is also important to mention that financial assistance was provided to 36 young researchers and 17 of them were women. Conference Website and Abstract Book: Conference details including all abstracts are available on the conference website at The abstract book contains the information about conference program, list of participants, and all the abstracts of papers presented.