The Twenty-sixth Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications will be held at the City College of New York, CUNY, on July 26-29, 2011. The conference series covers many areas in topology. This year's special sessions are in: Dynamics and Applications, Set-Theoretic Topology, Topological Groups and Semigroups, Asymmetric Topology, and Topological Methods in Functional Analysis. Each session has an associated plenary speaker. More details and instructions on how to contribute talks can be found at:
With the invention of calculus came the need to understand limits, continuity, and shapes more general than classical geometric ones. The resulting branch of mathematics is topology, and among its more recent catch phrases is "chaos theory" (related to "dynamics", which studies the results of applying continuous functions repeatedly). In addition to a dynamics session there will be sessions in set-theoretic topology which considers spaces where limits and continuity can be defined, in topological groups and functional analysis which discuss uses of the interplay between topology and algebra. The remaining session is in asymmetric topology, a topic that has become useful in computer logic and the sorts of representations of infinite spaces by those where only a finite number of points can be used, such as with television and computer screens.