The Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M University will support fourteen students per year to participate in their eight-week summer research experience for undergraduates program in the mathematical sciences. In year one, three parallel research thrusts are planned. The first program involves mathematical biology with emphasis on applications to complex ecosystems, infectious and other diseases. The second program involves the theory and application of wavelets. Wavelets are the basis for state-of-the-art data compression algorithms as applied to high-speed, high bandwidth communication, and audio and video compression technologies. The third area involves computational algebra and algebraic geometry. Applications include understanding the structure of complex macro-molecules such as proteins and DNA, and to solving large systems of polynomial equations which are ubiquitous in engineering and science applications. Years two and three will include a fourth program in algorithmic number theory.
Student participants will enhance their training as future research scientists and mathematicians. Participants will present their research findings to a locally held conference as well as being encouraged to present them at national scientific meetings or publish them in journals targeted to undergraduate research. In the selection of participants, priority will be given to students coming from undergraduate programs offering limited access to research opportunities and to students from demographic groups underrepresented in the mathematical sciences.