This award will support a three-year run of the Ohio River Analysis Meeting that is hosted by (in alternate years) the University of Kentucky and the University of Cincinnati; the first conference in this sequence will run in March of 2014 at the University of Kentucky. In 2015 the conference will run at the University of Cincinnati and in 2016 it returns to the University of Kentucky.
This annual conference is centered on the recent developments in the field of Analysis, and in particular in the subfields of partial differential equations and mathematical physics. Through plenary lectures the conference will provide an opportunity for regional mathematicians, postdocs, and graduate students to attend state-of-the-art talks and to confer with leading researchers in the field of Analysis. Through contributed talks the meeting will provide a venue for young mathematicians to present their results to a distinguished audience. An overarching goal is to foster cooperation and collaboration amongst analysis researchers in the Ohio Valley region.