This award supports travel for invited speakers and other participants in the Rocky Mountain Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar and associated mini-conferences. The seminar is held at Colorado State University on a biweekly basis. It provides a forum for researchers from Colorado State University, Colorado University at Denver, and the University of Wyoming to exchange ideas and present their research results. The annual mini-conferences are held on a rotating basis at one of the participating universities in the Rocky Mountain area.
Combinatorics is an area of mathematics that studies discrete structures. It is often a stepping-stone to applied disciplines such as Computer Science, Information Theory, and Engineering. As such, it is well suited to open up an important branch of academia to a broader audience, thus helping to foster STEM education. This meeting series not only advances research in algebraic combinatorics but also contributes to education in these important parts of science and technology. This award supports participation in the meetings by approximately ten speakers and student participants annually during the three-year period August 2014 through July 2017.
Seminar web site: