This award will support the participation of US students, early-career researchers, and members of underrepresented groups at the conference "International Conference on Partial Differential Equations", to be held in Novacella, Italy from May 28-June 1, 2014. The purpose of the conference is to report on recent important advances in the mathematical subject of partial differential equations. This is a subject that has considerable importance both for its intrinsic mathematical interest as well as for its centrality and uses in the modeling of physical phenomena and its applications in engineering and other important fields.
The conference is dedicated to the subject of partial differential equations. Topics will include stochastic partial differential equations, nonlinear Schrodinger and parabolic equations of paraxial optics, mathematical methods and computer simulation of tumor growth and therapy, mathematical physics, mathematical biology, and optimal control. Plenary and invited speakers will give presentations on the modern trends and results in partial differential equations in the morning, with a collection of contributed talks given in parallel sessions in the afternoon. There will be ample opportunity for the participants funded from this grant to present their work and to engage other experts in productive discussion.
Conference web site:
This conference brought together scientists and mathematicians working in partial differential equations and related fields from five continents. Contemporary challenges raised by recent advances in engineering, industry, and bio-technology, have been confronted with state-of-the-art mathematical and computational tools in PDE. NSF funds provided financial support to enable several American advanced graduate students and young researchers to participate in the conference. The plenary and invited speakers delivered a series of state of the art presentations on modern trends in PDE in joint morning sessions. Those were complemented by a variety of contributed talks on more specific topics in parallel afternoon sessions. There were also special plenary evening events. The abstracts of plenary talks, list of participants and a detailed conference program are available from the conference website: This funding opportunity was announced through Math Alliance, see Math Alliance News, March 2014, volume 2, issue 3, page 3: Three graduate students, one postdoc and one assistant professor (of whom 3 were American Latinos) were partially supported through NSF in the amount $700 towards the airfare and registration (the rest of funds were raised by their home universities with the local support provided by the organizers). They all were able to present their contributed talks on ongoing research projects, two of them for the first time on the international meeting. In addition, the young American participants established initial contacts and cooperation with several advanced scientific programs at Munich University of Technology. They also participated in an organized tour of Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching, including Professor Rempe's experimental laboratory on quantum dynamics, including quantum optics and bose condensation.