This award provides funds for students, postdocs, and junior researchers to participate in a "Workshop on Interdisciplinary Mathematics" to be held on May 8-10, 2015, at the Department of Mathematics, Penn State University. Applied mathematics in the modern world faces the challenges of developing new mathematical techniques and approaches to help advance research in other disciplines. A goal of this workshop is to help prepare the future generation of applied mathematicians to face these challenges. It will also help to establish new contacts and create long-term relationships between research groups at different institutions in the US and in Europe. All the plenary speakers invited at the workshop are internationally well established researchers and leaders in their fields. The talks are expected to be of an expository nature, not technical, but of a high scientific level.
The primary audience of the workshop will consist of graduate students and young researchers. During the three days of the conference, nine plenary speakers will deliver widely accessible survey talks. These talks will cover a broad spectrum of applications: materials science, biology and medicine, complex fluids, and finance. In addition, there will be a round table discussion on new directions, where analytical and computational techniques could provide novel insights. Together with local graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty, 12-15 young researchers will be invited from other institutions, covering their travel and local expenses. All participants will have an opportunity to present their work in poster sessions. Some of them, selected by the organizers, will also give short talks. The web site for the Workshop is