The 2016 JSM Diversity Workshop and Mentoring Program will take place during the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), July 31 - Aug 3, in Chicago, Illinois. It will consist of a series of interactive career development sessions and small group and 1-1 mentoring sessions. The goals are to establish critical mentoring and networking relationships for minority statisticians at early- to mid-career levels, to motivate students to pursue careers and graduate study in the statistical sciences, to share best practices for recruiting and retention of minority students, faculties, and non-academic professionals, and to increase the active participation of minorities in the American Statistical Association and other professional statistics societies or organizations.
Participants in the workshop and mentoring program include underrepresented minority graduate students in statistics or biostatistics programs; top minority undergraduates in statistics, mathematics, or related disciplines; minority statisticians in academia, government, and the private sector; key faculty from minority-serving institutions who advise and mentor undergraduates in math and related disciplines; and faculty influential in the faculty and/or student recruitment processes at their home institutions. This program is unique in that it does not limit its focus to students, but also includes early career professionals in its scope. It is further unique in its holistic approach which allows individuals to mentor more junior colleagues while themselves being mentored by more senior colleagues. These elements help create a community of support and accountability for the career success of all involved.
The workshop's website is located at: