Algebraic Geometry studies algebraic varieties which are geometric objects defined by polynomial equations. One of the most natural problems in this area is to understand the singularities that naturally occur when considering algebraic varieties and how these singularities influence the global geometry of algebraic varieties. In recent years there have been a number of breakthroughs, especially in the case where we consider solutions over the complex numbers. At the same time new techniques and approaches have emerged for studying solutions in positive and mixed characteristics. The primary goal of this collaborative project is to advance and unify these ideas to further understand and solve some of the most challenging programs in both local and global algebraic geometry. In addition the project provides research training opportunities for graduate students.
The PIs will investigate singularities in positive and mixed characteristics by using a variety of techniques including those arising from the minimal model program, from the theory of F-singularities, and from Scholze's work on perfectoid algebras and spaces. The PIs will also organize workshops, a summer school and a conference, aimed at training young researchers in this area, disseminating recent results and facilitating further advances and breakthroughs.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.