9406776 Shonkwiler The Principal Investigators of the School of Mathematics of the Georgia Institute of Technology will purchase a Silicon Graphics Challenge L parallel computer associated hardware and software. This equipment will be dedicated to support the mathematical research of the individual of the group some of whom need the computational power to make their computations feasible and some of whom are doing research in parallel processing. The equipment will allow the PI's and their graduate students to carry out several research projects, including in particular: 1.) Global Dynamics of Ordinary Differential Equations; 2.) Global Dynamics from Time Series Data; 3.) Proof of the Four Color Theorem and its Generalization Known as Grotzsch Conjecture; 4.) Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Systems; and 5.) Random Restarts in Global Optimization. All of the projects above have a strong computational component and aim at developing reliable and rigorously algorithms.