The Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University will purchase a high-end multi processor computing and visualization facility suitable for computationally intensive computing, postprocessing, and visualization of large data sets, which will be dedicated to the support of research in the mathematical sciences. The equipment will be used for several research projects, including in particular: Numerical Methods for Deterministic Optimal Control Problems, NSF Grant DMS-9704426 to Dupuis; High Order Methods for Shock Calculations and Computational Electromagnetics, NSF Grant DMS-9804985 to Shu and Gottlieb; Modeling Natural Image Statistics, NSF Grant DMS-9615444 to Mumford; Invariant Manifolds and Complex Behavior in Nonlinear Physical Systems, NSF Grant DMS-9800922 to Haller; and Continuum Physics and Systems of Conservation Laws, NSF Grant DMS-980352 to Dafermos.