NSTA requests funding for a conference to be held in Seattle, Washington on November 17, 2004, to disseminate current NSF-funded programs and research findings on the integration of literacy in K-8 science teaching and learning. The conference would feature several NSF-funded projects presenting their recent findings on implementation designs, research and effective professional development practices to an audience of teachers, principals, supervisors and professional development providers. The conference goals include 1) providing practitioners and policy makers with scientifically-based research on appropriate and effective integration of literacy in the K-8 science curriculum, 2) exploring the multiple roles of literacy in science instruction, 3) illustrating effective strategies for preparing teachers to link science and literacy and 4) highlighting examples of best practice in science-literacy integration. The program would include plenary sessions and three-hour workshops. Several publications featuring articles by key conference presenters and a summary of research data will be released by NSTA following the conference.