The National Academy of Sciences exploratory proposal aims at assessing the potential value and feasibility of developing and implementing K-12 content standards for engineering education. The specific objectives of this exploratory project, to be carried out by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), are (1) to review existing efforts to define what K-12 students should know, (2) to identify elements of existing standards documents for K-12 science, mathematics, and technology that could link to engineering, (3) to consider how the various possible purposes for K-12 engineering education might affect the content and implementation of standards, and (4) to suggest what changes to educational policies, programs, and practices at the national and state levels might be needed to develop and implement K-12 engineering standards.
To accomplish these objectives, the project will conduct literature reviews, two commissioned background papers, three meetings of the project committee, and a two-day workshop to solicit expert views on the subject. The principal product of the project will be a peer-reviewed workshop summary report, which will be distributed to key stakeholders and presented in various professional meetings. This report is expected to set the stage for discussions and future actions related to the establishment of engineering standards.