Through programs (including small group conversations, citizen conferences, and public forums) an interactive exhibition, and two research studies that address issues that are fundamental to establishing museums as places of public dialogue and deliberation, this project will engage the general public, policymakers, and caregivers in deliberations around the latest early childhood development (ECD) research. It will also build on an increased understanding of the importance of ECD to expand civic engagement around this urgent social issue. The overall goal of the project is to help its audiences understand child development, how environment and experiences impact development, and what we as a society can do to support our youngest citizens. Specifically, audiences will explore: How the brain develops from birth until kindergarten (or age five); how a childs environment and experiences sculpt the brain, with some experiences enhancing the child's self-control and learning, and other experiences that actually impede development; and what the project audiences can do to ensure that all children have a strong foundation to learn and thrive.