NEBRASKA MATH is to improve achievement for all students and narrow achievement gaps among at-risk populations by focusing on three key transition points along the mathematics continuum: the mathematics education of children in transition from kindergarten through early primary to grade 3; the algebra transition from middle to high school and the transition of new secondary math teachers from certification to the classroom. The project is focused on four strategies; (i) Developing an active and mature partnership (sustained through state dollars after the end of NSF funding) by linking mathematics teachers and school administrators from across Nebraska with university mathematicians and mathematics educators and early childhood educators to improve mathematics education statewide; (ii) Strengthening the mathematical and pedagogical knowledge for teaching of participating teachers and their professional interactions with other teachers in their schools, while improving their attitudes to the teaching and learning of mathematics; (iii) Improving students' competence, beliefs and attitudes about mathematics, their appreciation of the importance of sustained effort, and their knowledge of mathematics; and (iv)) Contributing to the research in mathematics education through a mixed methods research design studying K-3 teacher's knowledge, attitudes, and leadership in relation to student disposition and achievement. A goal of the project is to create a model partnership, both on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) campus and nationally, where faculty in an academic discipline (in this case mathematics) and faculty in education work with teachers and administrators from the K-12 education community, sharing expertise and resources in pursuit of a world class mathematics education system. NEBRASKA MATH partners the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with four school districts and 15 Educational Service Units (ESUs), in rural Nebraska, which provide support to 63 additional school districts. The intent is to form a permanent K-16 mathematics partnership that is sustained primarily by local dollars. Over the five years the project is to impact 900 teachers (750 at the elementary level and 150 at the secondary level) and approximately 60,000 students.