This RAPID project proposes a model for preparing K-12 teachers to implement the new Framework for next generation science standards. The model is based on current evidence of effective professional development in disciplinary content and will also develop evidence in a rapid fashion about its potential effectiveness that will be used to refine and improve the model in time for it to be disseminated widely to networks of teacher educators, curriculum leaders and others as states begin to adopt the new standards.
Specifically the model will support teachers in developing understanding of "core ideas" and how to blend core ideas with scientific practices and crosscutting concepts to develop learning goals; modify existing materials; and developing learning tasks and assessment measures that meet learning goals.
The recently released National Research Council Framework for K-12 science education provides the basis for standards development. It is anticipated that Achieve will take about a year to develop the standards. This project will develop, test, and refine a model of professional development related to the standards that will be one of the factors essential to successful implementation.