The Association of Science-Technology Center (ASTC), a non profit organization of science museums and related organizations, has received numerous requests from museum members to develop an in-depth professional development program for top science museum administrators and board members. The largest number of requests is from science centers which are in the planning stages or are newly opened. More than established museums, new and developing science centers face dozens of basic decisions that will affect the character of their museums and their chances for success. The volume of requests for technical assistance, coupled with the absence of any organized program to meet these needs led ASTC to develop an Institute for New Science Centers. The course is aimed at those who have made a commitment to start a science center or whose doors have opened within the past five years. The grant will cover preparation and evaluation of materials and programs. Participants will pay half the cost of the course. Reviewers of the project agreed that strengthening the infrastructure of the museum community is as important as developing programs for the general public. The National Science Foundation has the opportunity to support an important new venture and one that will have an impact on the number and quality of programs reaching the general public.