The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation (WWNFF) will conduct a four week summer institute for fifty high school physics teachers each year (1987-88) on the Princeton University campus. During the academic year, each teacher who participates in the institute will conduct regional workshops for other physics teachers over the nation. The WWNFF staff will provide support for teachers conducting regional workshops. The goals of this proposal are to engage teachers in the development of Curriculum materials in cooperation with university faculty, develop leadership skills, and to design teaching strageties which will concentrate on developing students' ability to make use of knowledge within the discipline and in related disciplines. During the academic year, the WWNFF will provide support for local and regional workshops conducted by the summer institute participants. Funds for these activities will be awarded on a competitive basis. The institute staff will assist teachers in the development of regional projects to ensure that they are designed to be conductive for use in teachers' classrooms. Also, the WWNFF staff will coordinate request for mini-institutes to be conducted by the institute participants for precollege mathematics and science teachers at regional, state, and national meetings. The foundation will monitor, coordinate, and disseminate the activities of this year's participants; and those who were trained in previous institutes. These activities will be accomplished by staff visits, a monthly newsletter, and correspondence between the director and participants.