The project will involve 90 high school mathematics teachers, 30 each year over a period of three years, with inservice opportunities to update their knowledge of topics in discrete and continuous mathematics. There is to be an intensive summer course in applications provided by the project staff and enriched by visitors from diverse occupations. The participants are to prepare papers on applications of mathematics that they have studied and about which they will teach to their students. The participants will prepare multiple copies of their applied lessons for distribution to the other participants and other interested parties. There is to be a demonstration class for participants which involves staff from the project working with teachers in their own classrooms. Also, there will be presentations by the participants for their peers dealing with issues from the main topics of interest. Developing out of the project will be a network of teachers who encourage the sharing of information about the applications of mathematics with other teachers in the network. One of the principle investigators will conduct an extensive program of classroom visitations to provide support to the participants during the school year. There will be a hot line available from the teachers directly to the PI for help or information dissemination. There will be videotaping of highlights of various presentation by project staff, scientific visitors, as well as the participants' presentations to be used for further dissemination. There is the intent to establish a resource center for offering the participants a broad range of materials on applications of mathematics and top provide extensive references. The participants are to be selected from among those recommended by the school districts that have committed to the project.