The Hartford Public Schools will establish a two-year Beginning Teacher Enhancement Program in Mathematics and Science. The goals include, (1) to train a cadre of 20 well-prepared elementary and middle school teachers to serve as resource persons for the beginning and reassigned staff (Phase I); (2) to provide summer and school year inservice workshops and professional enhancement seminars to 60 beginning and reassigned teachers (Phase II); and (3) to offer follow-up coaching and mentoring services to the less well-prepared teachers. The workshop curricula and project strategies respond to the Districts's 1988 teacher needs assessment and suggestions by the State Department of Education Mathematics and Science consultants. During the first year, Phase I teachers will participate in a two-week summer workshop emphasizing hands-on science content and leadership strategies. During the second summer workshop and symposia, Phase II teachers will participate in a two-week program which will emphasize the hands-on content under the tutelage of the project staff as well as selected teachers from Phase I. The science program will be lead by personnel from the Thames Science Center in New London who have extensive experience in this type of experiential activities. The mathematics component will be under the leadership of the mathematics supervisory staff and the project staff. Science and mathematics mentors, who have completed programs at Wesleyan (PIMMS), will assist both the Phase I and Phase II teachers as they implement their enhanced content and methodology skills in the classroom. The proposal represents a coordinated effort of the Public Schools, the Hartford Alliance, St. Joseph's College, Central Connecticut College, Wesleyan and the Connecticut State Department of Education. The Hartford Public School District has cost-shared an amount equivalent to 55% of the NSF request.