Utilizing its thirty-plus professional chapters and eighty-plus university student chapters, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers will expand its nine year old Advancing Careers in Engineering (ACE) program. This program was developed to stimulate interest among Hispanic pre-college students in engineering careers and to provide continuing guidance on the educational preparation needed for engineering study. The Hispanic students in the university chapters, with support from local members of the professional chapters, will plan and conduct a variety of promotional and informational activities for students from schools and communities with predominantly Hispanic populations. These activities will include classroom presentations and other activities in elementary and secondary schools, field trips to museums and technical industries, informational events for pre-college students and their families, individual student mentoring and counseling, and science and engineering displays for community events. Success will be measured by following project-impacted students to find how many ultimately enroll and succeed in university engineering studies. Cost sharing by the partners will total 40% of the National Science Foundation funding.