Loyola University of Chicago will initiate a 6-week commuter Young Scholars project for l8 students in grades ll-l2 in math/computer science. This project gives participants a comprehensive introduction to computer science from both hardware and software perspectives. Students experiment in two distinct forums. First, they assemble IBM-compatible microcomputers, and then perform digital circuitry experiments on the computers and other electronics equipment. Second, they experiment on mathematical objects through programs they write in the project's software science introduction. Also, during the summer, participants visit software development firms and R&D facilities at Motorola, Inc. and AT&T Bell Labs. At the end of the full-time summer activity, students take their computers home to keep and use throughout an intensive and sustained eight-month academic year follow-up. The project began in l988 under YSP funding. It has been widely recognized by Chicago's news media and by its municipal government. Beginning in l990, the project will adopt an artificial intelligence component and accompanying group programming project; the career exploration and philosophy/ethics components will be deepened; and, the project will become formally affiliated with an NSF-funded prototype Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities.