This project provides for a series of workshops for high school teachers during the XII Biennial Conference on Chemical Education of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society. The conference will be held in the summer of 1992, in Davis, California. In addition to supporting teachers at the workshops and the Biennial Conference a visiting mentor Teacher Program and a follow-up program for the participants will be provided. The workshops will cover the topics: (a) the use of computers in the classroom, (b) employing demonstrations, (c) using consumer chemicals and supplies and (d) techniques of microchemistry. In the follow-up sessions prior participants will be asked to bring at least one of their colleagues so that more teachers will be involved. Altogether 150 teachers will be supported by the project. The NSF funds are being matched by funds from the American Chemical Society, the Council of Chemical Research and private industry. The matching funds amount to about 36% of the NSF grant.