This project is a three-year teacher enhancement program targeting middle/high school science and mathematics teachers who are interested in the incorporation of real-time environmental data in their classroom activities. The project activities will be conducted at the University of Oklahoma campus. This multi-disciplinary project will combine meteorology, climatology, computer graphics, telecommunications, geography, geology, and agriculture in a series of applied environmental activities. This project will utilize the existing Oklahoma Mesonetwork, an array of 107 automated environmental monitoring stations. For each year of the project, the project will provide the tools for initiation, implementation, and evaluation of the use of Mesonet data in participant classrooms by offering: a) a three-day computer course, b) a three-week teacher education institute and curriculum development session, c) a two-day science fair and conference during the following school year, d) a computer newsletter, e) a computer bulletin board and e- mail system for teachers, and f) a continuing mentorship program. In addition to the National Science Foundation, this project is supported by the State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma University, local school districts, and Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring project (US Department of Energy).