This project is a four-year program to enhance the teaching of life and environmental science to deaf middle school and high school students nationwide. To accomplish this purpose, a four-week summer Institute will be held at Gallaudet University each summer for four years, for a total of eighty-two middle and high school teachers of the deaf. The Institute will integrate the expertise and facilities of the University science faculties and the Genetics Services Center at the University as well as the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Marine Science Consortium, of which Gallaudet University is a member. The Institute will concentrate on the content areas of genetics, physiology and environmental science with the major focus on hands- on laboratory and field experiences. Other topics to be covered include: teaching critical thinking, career information, techniques to improve teaching, and the use of educational technology. Participants will be provided with a series of "take home" lesson plans and will be expected to transfer relevant information and pedagogical skills to their peers. Participants will also be linked with faculty and staff and each other via a computer conferencing system. Cost-sharing equals 5.0% of the NSF award.