9353833 Chang The Materials World Modules are a series of materials science and technology kits designed to supplement existing mathematics and science curricula in high schools. The modules close the gap between frontiers of research and science in classrooms, providing open-ended experiences for both students and teachers. Nine modules cover basic materials systems, materials and society, and materials conservation and the environment. The modules provide students with hands-on experiences in design, synthesis, and evaluation of materials. The concepts of mathematics and science are reinforced in the application of materials science and technology to product development and manufacturing. Each modules includes a self-contained experimental kit, teacher and student manuals, a video tape showing how experiments are conducted - including safety instructions - and a software package for data analysis and further modeling of the experiment. The products are developed by professors in the Materials Research Center at Northwestern working with educators and high school science, mathematics and technology teachers. A central electronic databank on materials will be maintained at the Materials Research Center. ***