9355629 Chiss This is a project of the Chicago Children's Museum to develop, evaluate and install a 2,200 square foot permanent exhibit called "Inventing: The Process of Discovery." This exhibit engages young visitors (primarily from 6-10 yrs.) in inventive creativity, testing, and development, and teaches them a meaningful sequence of activities for problem-solving. Museum educators and adolescent interns act as multi-cultural role models in exhibit areas and facilitate hands-on learning. Every year the exhibit will serve over 500,000 children, parents and teachers in Chicago's inner city and metropolitan neighborhoods. A large percentage of this audience is under-served minority children drawn from CCM's alliances with diverse ethnic community agencies. This exhibit provides a safe haven where young multi-cultural, often disadvantaged children may find support for science learning and be encouraged to grow and participate in the many science fairs, science clubs, and invention conventions available to adolescents in the Chicago area. ***