9453116 Saltman This Local Systemic Change Through Teacher Enhancement project is the result of a collaboration between the National School District and the University of California, San Diego (USCD). The project will combine the resources of the school district, USCD, private industry, and the community to institute and support an integrated, inquiry-based, hands-on science curriculum in all National City elementary schools. The curriculum to be implemented will include NSF funded FOSS and EDC-Insights materials as instructional modules for grades K-6. Each year 60 lead teachers will attend a four week inservice program. The institute will be held in conjunction with a district wide summer enrichment program that will allow a practicum for the lead teachers. The summer leadership institute will be staffed by university scientists, science educators, and master teachers from a previous NSF funded project. Parent and community members will be enlisted to assist in both managing and maintaining the instructional materials. This cadre of 60 lead teachers will form a science leadership team at each school site to oversee continuing science education reform. They will provide full day staff development programs and weekly school year selected inservice programs for 350 participants. Staff and parent volunteers will attend six Saturday academic year sessions and receive university extension credit from UCSD for their participation. Cost sharing is 31% of the total NSF requested budget. ***